
Spirituality Information: God, Life and Love are Interchangable

Your spiritual growth is not a static event; it is an on-going process. Once you are locked into the process you begin to receive spirituality information through a variety of sources.

Spirituality, as a concept, is not an external manifestation of our beliefs or an explanation of how we express ourselves in physical form. Spirituality is internal and eternal. Spirituality is our interconnectedness with all of life, the physical, the nonphysical and the metaphysical. It is an interconnectedness that begins by knowing who you really are and creating life from that point of awareness.

Spirituality is life itself, revealing itself to you. Replace the word “life” in the last sentence with the word “God” and you will begin to understand the deeper part of the life (God) process. You see, God, life and love are interchangeable.

If you have a misunderstanding about this essential part of life's (God's, love's) equation, then you will be throwing your whole life (God, love) experience into a perspective that is not in alignment with the true nature of how things work.

Think about these concepts. What if you started your whole life experience on a foundation of sand? What if the basic concepts and beliefs that you have lived your whole life by were not based in essential truths about the true nature of how the universe works? What if your core values and life perspectives were not designed to serve you in your quest to be the grandest vision of yourself? What if most of what you believe about the life process is based in fear? What if living within this paradigm of fear has kept you from viewing life another way that might actually serve you better?

Now let us try this sentence again and substitute the word “God” for “life.”

Just think about these concepts. What if you started your whole God experience on a foundation of sand? What if the basic concepts and beliefs that you have “Goded” your whole life by were not based in essential truths about the true nature of how the universe works? What if your core values and God perspectives were not designed to serve you in your quest to be the grandest vision of yourself? What if most of what you believe about the God process is based in fear? What if living within this paradigm of fear has kept you from viewing God another way that might serve you better?

Now let us try it with the word “love.”

Just think about these concepts. What if you started your whole love experience on a foundation of sand? What if the basic concepts and beliefs that you have loved your whole life by were not based in essential truths about the true nature of how the universe works? What if your core values and love perspectives were not designed to serve you in your quest to be the grandest vision of yourself? What if most of what you believe about the love process is based in fear? What if living within this paradigm of fear has kept you from viewing love another way that might serve you better?

Wouldn't it behoove you to really understand the true nature of how things work? If you really understood the true nature of how things work in this universe, then you would be able to align with that understanding and bring into your life that which you truly desire.

Your spiritual growth requires you to seek clarity on the interconnectedness of all of life. Not just the physical universe but also the unseen metaphysical aspects of the nature of our being. It is truly a grand quest and one that is not only soulfully fulfilling but also one that is guaranteed to improve your life and the world we live in.

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